Exploring places with Digital Reality

Tourism is an ever-growing industry that thrives on creating exclusive and encompassing experiences for its customers. Shrinking of geographical boundaries has led to a boom in the industry, and travel companies are continually expanding to unchartered territories. Coincidentally, AR, VR, MR, Gamification and Animations are technologies that are not just broadening horizons for the industry, but also weaving the desired experience for the travelers. And as the technology unravels, application areas are being rapidly explored by the players, leading to an expansion of the Simulation technology market in the travel and tourism ecosystem.

The rising demand for Immersive Travelling

The global AR and VR share in the travel and tourism market was valued at $74.6 million in 2018 and is projected to grow to $304.4 million by the year 2023, at a CAGR of 32.5%. North America followed by China and then Japan, held the largest market share in 2018, and this trend is expected to continue till 2023 as well. The sector is flourishing owing to the rapidly growing investments in technology and the rising demand for immersive travel and tourism services across the globe. Some recent developments include, partnership of China National Tourism Administration and HTC Vive to establish the China VR Tourism Cloud Data Service Platform to provide virtual experiences to the tourists, Virgin Holidays creating platforms that allow customers to go on virtual tours of their destinations and VR parks in Dubai offering virtual games and experiences to tourists.


Applications of Augmented and Virtual Reality in Tourism

And today, these immersive technologies are not only influencing the travel decisions of the users but are also helping them in overcome related challenges. According to a report by Expedia, almost 78% of traveller’s decisions are influenced by the interactive content developed by travel brands. With the advent of Digital Reality, numerous avenues and possibilities have opened for business to enhance their services and personalized the experiences offered to customers.

Augmented reality is transforming the tourist experience through its interactive navigation solutions, customized and engaging guided tours, interfaces to overcome foreign language barriers and providing real-time information to make their journey more convenient. AR powered travel apps are helping tourists to discover routes, places of interest and various stops with the help of smartphones. Additionally, AR has revolutionized restaurant menus by bring them to life through 3D previews of dishes and servings. Augmented Reality powered by Bluetooth beacons is being used to send push notifications or activate certain functionalities as soon as a traveller enters a location. The face of Tourism marketing is changing completely as traditional brochures and catalogues have been replaced by animated visual catalogues that allow quicker decision making. On the other hand, virtual reality is allowing customers to virtually explore and experience a destination they want to book. Simulation technologies are making it possible to give the customers an immersive and engaging tour of the journey, right from the hotel tours to the destination tours. So much so that now a virtual user interface is being utilized for the entire booking process. Additionally, VR vacations are the next big thing down the line, that ditches the idea of traditional travelling and embraces virtual travel to unreal places like space travel or to historical sites.

The way forward for Travel and Tourism with XRTECHLINE

The significance of digital reality in the tourism sector is clearly highlighted through these practical applications. And to power up your business with similar applications and expand your customers base, we at XRTECHLINE work continuously to deploy our pioneering technology, innovative solutions and unparalleled services in the most engaging of ways.